Coding questions

What is a command?
A: a singular piece of code.

What is a sequence?
A: a line of commands.

What did you learn about giving directions and thinking like a computer
A: not much, I already knew the basics.

In a good puzzle, how many did the character make? And now, how many commands did you write?
A:in a good puzzle there should be a lot of movement and commands.

When and why should you create functions and loops?
A: When there is repeating commands and you use them more then once

What other functions could/would you use in the app?
A: move forward, collect gem/move forward, activate switch.

What are some everyday functions?
A: things like turning around and moving forward for longer amounts; move left, move left/ move forward^x.

Have you made shortcuts that made doing something easier in other situations, are those functions?
A:yes and yes


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